Monday, March 14, 2011

Brooklynn 6 months

Brooklynn turned 6 months on March 4th,2011! She is growing like a weed! She was 14pounds and 22inch long.
Here are some pictures of her at 6 months. She is sitting up on her own now and eating fruits and Veggies. She is really not a fan of the baby food but I'm sure she will get us to it soon!
She has been a really easy baby. Lays down on her own and is just always smiling! We have been very blessed with her!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

KidsQuest Children's Museum

It was yet another rainy day and we needed to get out of the house so we took a trip to kids quest. Matthew really enjoyed him self there.
I think his favorite thing there was the big truck. I couldn't get him out of it.
Playing with the water

he thought it was pretty cool

These things were kind a loud and freaked out sissy a little.


the big truck

He was driving us to a HOT place that has no rain! :)

Big Light Bright

face paint from kids quest.

Yummy Toes!

I was making dinner the other night and Brooklynn was laying on the floor and I looked down at her and found her eating her toes!
Here are some pictures of her having some yummy toes ;-)