Friday, August 10, 2012

31 weeks

Well we are getting so close to 8 months!! Only a few more months left until we can find out if we are having a BOY OR GIRL yay!! People keep asking me if I have a feeling of what I think we are having and I keep thinking Boy but a lot of people keep telling me Girl so it's hard. With the other two I just knew but this time I have no idea. I just want to healthy baby and want to hold him or her! I'm very excited!

My best friend Jenn is throwing me a baby shower on August 18th that I'm so excited about! I'm very excited to see all my friends and family and the celebrate the new baby coming! I know she has a lot of fun things planned and the colors she is doing is yellow and gray! Super cute!! We are going to have the baby shower in my parents backyard this time just because I love being back there it's so pretty! My dad has done a very good job on it and a lot more room to move around and a playground for the kids to play at as the moms hang out!

I'm feeling okay. I'm still having contractions and pressure feeling like baby is going to fall out. It really hurts. I was up most of the night with really bad pressure and sharp pains. It got so bad that I almost went into the hospital because the pain was so bad but after doing some walking around the house and back to laying down It slowed down. I'm still uncomfortable and feeling the pressure and some shape pains but doctor said that I will feel everything with it being our 3rd baby. Starting on 8/21/12 I will be seeing the doctor two times a week for a non-stress-test to keep a eye on baby and they will check growth once every two weeks. I think I'm going to be packing our hospital bags soon just because of the way I have been feeling I would hate not to have my stuff our babies stuff ready. I know I still have time but I would rather be safe then sorry and I don't want something to pick out the things I need for the hospital just seems to be a pain.

David took these two pictures of me tonight and WOW I'm growing so fast and getting so big!! Ready to be done growing ;-).